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PhD in Applied Physics, currently working as a Metrologist at ASML. Love to code in Julia, passionate about PC gaming, web 3.0 and blockchain technology.
Let's learn how to read data from the most popular database in the world · The SQLite library implements an embedded, relational and serverless database...
A fast and easy way to brush up your database skills · Structured Query Language (SQL) databases are some of the most widely deployed pieces of software...
Has Web 3.0 finally become mainstream? · Photo by Jainath Ponnala on Unsplash Disclaimer: This article was first published by the author on Medium. There...
A quick primer on dealing with file paths in Julia · No matter what kind of code base you end up working on, there's always some logic that has to deal...
Julia is known to be a highly performant language, with benchmark results quite close to that of C. While that's certainly impressive, it would be...
For when it's time to take matter in your own hands · Introduction You might naturally wonder - Why would one even need to compile the Linux kernel on...